The information contained herein is private and only for the personal use of members of Marietta Country Club. In the interest of respecting the privacy of the Club members, this information may not be published to non-members for any purpose whatsoever nor may members use it for any commercial purpose. Failure by any member to observe this restriction will be brought to the attention of the Governing Board for appropriate action.
Other printed or electronic information regarding members are Club property and may not be copied or removed from Club premises or used in any manner by any member or non-member of Marietta Country Club without prior approval of the Governing Board. The Governing Board will grant permission only in exceptional circumstances.
For the staff and social media
The Club views social networks, such as, but not limited to the following: web-based discussions, blogs, conversation pages, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, and Instagram as significant forms of public communication. As such, we hold all our employees who engage in social networking to the same standards we hold for any public communications such as, but not limited to, comments to a TV, radio, or news reporter.
As an employee of the Club, you have an obligation to ensure that any public communication, including social networking communications, must not negatively impact the reputation of the Club or bring disrepute in any way to the Club, its employees, members, guests, or vendors. Only the Club President, or his/her designee, is authorized to publicly speak on behalf of the Club. You must have prior authorization to be a Club spokesperson to the extent your social networking communications represent, or appear to represent, the official Club view or perspective on any topic.
Before posting about the Club on social media, you are encouraged to think about the following Club Principal: We have heartfelt caring and respect for all. We trust that your online representation of the Club will meet these high standards and be done with professionalism and respect.